Here is a screencast of the first thing that you need to do when running an Invisible Buildings game. It shows how we put the name of the team in, followed by up to 4 players
Persona: The Teacher
Meet Andy. Andy has been teaching in a Hertfordshire primary school for around 10 years. He loves tech and gadgets and shares his passion with his students. This can be anything from using Makey Makey to create a banana keyboard to producing stop frame animations as part of the school play. He’s not fazed by the new school computer […]
For Teachers
Invisible Buildings was created for children aged from 7-9 with a grant from the Technology Strategy Board (TSB) in conjunction with Brighton University. It was designed as a way of introducing the curriculum subject – The Romans, in a Time Team like way of allowing children to discover and dig up a Roman villa from the comfort of their […]
An outdoor location-based game – archaeology – history “the best day of my life!”
What is Invisible Buildings?
An outdoor location-based game - archaeology - history "the best day of my life!" <iframe src="//" width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam hendrerit id nisi non varius. Aliquam volutpat pellentesque in dolor vel tortor placerat rutrum. Aenean suscipit lacus nec adipiscing tristique. Mauris semper aliquam purus eu tempor. Etiam gravida, lorem imperdiet ullamcorper, est mauris lacinia elit, ut sollicitudin tellus erat et felis. Vestibulum rhoncus sapien. Mauris scelerisque imperdiet mollis. Nullam eu volutpat urna, quis facilisis metus.